Chapter 6: Make It or Break It: The 30-Day Challenge

Alright, let’s get real. You say you’re a filmmaker? An artist? A creator? Then prove it. Because talking about it doesn’t count. Ideas are cheap. Execution is everything. So here’s the challenge: make something every day for 30 days. Not “think about it,” not “plan it,” but actually make it. Shoot, edit, post—every single day.

I’m not talking about epic films or masterpieces. I’m talking about short, punchy, and complete stories with a beginning, middle, and end. Thirty seconds, a minute, whatever you can pull off. But it has to be something. And you have to put it out there, flaws and all.

This challenge isn’t just about creating content; it’s about destroying the preciousness that’s holding you back. It’s about proving that you belong here, that you have what it takes to show up every day, no matter what. You’ve got to beat the fear that says, “This isn’t good enough.” 

You’ve got to silence the voice that tells you to wait until it’s perfect. You’ve got to put in the reps, just like an athlete, just like a musician. You want to be great? Then do the work.

Years ago, I issued a similar challenge called the 30 Sunrise Challenge. The idea was simple: film the sunrise from a different location every morning for 30 days straight. Not sunset—sunrise. Because sunrise meant you had to get up before dawn, every day. It was brutal. It wasn’t just about capturing a pretty scene; it was about the discipline of showing up when nobody else would.

The first few days were easy. It was romantic, even. But by day seven, when the novelty wore off, it became a grind. By day 20, most people had quit. But those who stuck it out learned something valuable: it’s not about motivation; it’s about commitment. You show up because you said you would, not because you feel like it.

This new 30-Day Challenge is no different. It’s about putting yourself to the test. Can you create something every day? Can you ignore the preciousness, the fear, and the perfectionism long enough to just make something?